About us.

Ulmer Zeitarbeit has constantly advanced and become firmly established in the region of Swabia as a strong human resources partner for industry and trade for more than 35 years.
The development of Ulmer Zeitarbeit:
- 1977 Foundation of Ulmer Zeitarbeit GmbH in Ulm
- 1980 Opening of the Kempten branch
- 1987 Opening of the branches in
- Ravensburg and
- Augsburg
- 1988 Opening of the Esslingen branch
- 2003 Ulmer Zeitarbeit becomes a member of iGZ
2006 Reorganisation of the company structure. Ulmer Zeitarbeit GmbH is split up into a holding and 2 subsidiaries. The following group of companies is formed
- Ulmer Zeitarbeit Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
- Ulmer Zeitarbeit GmbH Personalmanagement Baden-Württemberg
- Ulmer Zeitarbeit GmbH Personalmanagement Bayern
- 2007 Foundation of another subsidiary
- Ulmer Zeitarbeit GmbH Reitsportzentrum Illertissen
- 2012 Foundation
- of the Biberach branch
- of the business sector Medical & Health Care

Fairness, reliability, respect, trust and respectability – these are the key values of “good temporary employment” that are based on the iGZ code of ethics.
The Ulmer Zeitarbeit group of companies as a member of the Interessenverbandes Deutscher Zeitarbeitsunternehmen (iGZ; affiliation of German temporary work agencies) has pledged to observe these principles. iGZ members have clearly worded how they want to behave as employers, as principles, in competition with other temporary employment agencies and with regard to social partners, authorities and the public.
In the event of violations of the code of ethics by iGZ members, the independent contact and arbitration centre (Kontakt- und Schlichtungsstelle: KuSS) is available as place of contact.
Ulmer Zeitarbeit trains human resources specialists at all locations. The training is done in the dual system with a local vocational school and the training courses are recognised by the Chamber of Commerce

The Interessenverband Deutscher Zeitarbeitsunternehmen (iGZ) is the employer association of the temporary employment sector with the most members. It represents the interests of around 2,800 member companies across Germany. iGZ member companies are predominantly small and medium-sized in their setup and apply the iGZ DGB collective wage agreement for the temporary employment sector.